Updated on June 25th, 2022
CBD cigarettes – or pre-rolls – are yet another addition to the slew of CBD products out there.
While this may seem odd to non-smokers, it could be a godsend to people desperately trying to quit smoking.
Let’s face it – we former smokers understand how tough it can be.
But even before the appearance of hemp cigarettes, quitting smoking was always critical. After all, it’s common knowledge that smoking is the number one cause of preventable death in North America.
Lung cancer, COPD, heart disease, and stroke are just a few of the consequences long-term smokers could face.
Cessation aids like nicotine replacement or e-cigarettes help to varying degrees, depending on the person. Unfortunately, some people try everything and still fail. However, nicotine itself carries certain health risks.
Early research shows that CBD can help reduce or eliminate smoking. Now that they are available for sale, CBD pre-rolls make quitting more accessible and more convenient than ever.
Hemp Pre-Rolls Brand Catalog
Wild Hemp CBD cigarettes are popular at the moment. However, after our review, we found the taste is terrible.
The hemp works better with the naturally occurring cannabinoids; trace amounts of THC will not make you feel high or impaired.
As one consumer wrote, “I was hoping to use these to quit regular cigarettes. I don’t understand the hole in the filter. It feels like I get the contents in my mouth. The flavor is eh and leaves a bad taste in your mouth. Won’t be buying again.”
You’ll need some white label CBD toothpaste after that.
What are CBD Cigarettes?
Hemp cigarettes are precisely what their name implies – cigarettes made with CBD hemp flower. Some call them CBD “pre-rolls,” but typically, a pre-roll refers to a standard joint.
Unlike pre-rolls, however, CBD cigarettes for sale online look just like regular smokes. They have the same cylindrical shape (unlike joints, which are uneven and may look like cones) along with a cigarette filter at the end.
What are They Made of?
Today, the CBD products we review come from two possible sources. In most cases, the CBD is from industrial hemp, which the government recently removed from the list of Schedule I controlled substances in the United States. However, some CBD products might come from marijuana in places where it is legal.
In Canada, for instance, hemp products aren’t regulated and are therefore illegal. With marijuana legalized, CBD flower comes from marijuana plants that have been bred to contain as high as 20% CBD and can contain as little as 0.5% THC, depending on the producer.
CBD cigarettes USA origin is undeniable. Although pre-rolled joints are available, CBD cigarettes don’t yet exist in Canada.
There is no difference between hemp and marijuana CBD. But marijuana-sourced CBD might contain a bit more THC – around 1% – while hemp can’t legally contain more than 0.3% THC.
Are They Different from Vaping?
CBD vape products are quite popular. They offer a convenient, fast-acting delivery method. CBD cigarettes are superficially the same as vapes but different in most respects.
Whether we look at e-cigarettes or dry herb vapes, neither of these rely on combustion. E-liquids and vape oils contain active CBD, while dry herb vapes boil the CBD and other cannabinoids without lighting them on fire.
When using a joint or CBD cigarette, the CBD is inactive until you apply a flame to activate the CBD. However, this comes with its own set of issues, which we’ll discuss shortly.
Hemp flower wholesale revenue is up all around the country, as many people prefer to roll their own CBD cigarettes.
How Are They Different from Standard Cigarettes?
The most significant difference, of course, is that CBD cigarettes contain no tobacco or nicotine. But they also lack the thousands of additives that make tobacco even more dangerous. Click the link to get your Funky Farms CBD Coupon.
Will CBD Cigarettes Make You High?
No. CBD is a non-intoxicating cannabinoid. It interacts with the receptors in our brain and body very differently from THC.
This is good news for anyone who wants to quit with CBD. After all, the product won’t help much if you can’t pull it out every time you crave tobacco.
How Can CBD Cigarettes Help You Quit?
If you’re a smoker looking for a way out, CBD is the right choice. But does it work? While there’s no guarantee, the chance of success is noteworthy.
Let’s see why CBD cigarettes might be the solution you want.
The problem with nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), such as gums, patches, or e-cigarettes, is that they try to cure your nicotine addiction by feeding you nicotine. This isn’t exactly as crazy as it sounds. According to a publication by the National Cancer Institute, NRT contains much lower levels of nicotine.
The problem is that many smokers don’t get enough nicotine to satisfy their cravings. Since nicotine is the only way to gain immediate relief, it could cause a relapse.
CBD works very differently.
Although we don’t fully understand the endocannabinoid system (ECS), we know it lets us harness the effects of CBD (and THC, for that matter). One publication explains how the ECS: “…plays an important role in common neurobiological processes underlying substance use disorder, in particular by mediating the rewarding and motivational effects of substances and substance-related cues.”
In other words, the ECS is both your best friend and your worst enemy. It helps drugs achieve their addictive potential, but – with the right cannabinoids – it’s possible to use this mechanism against itself and fight addiction.
Does CBD Work?
Like any attempt at nicotine substitution, there’s no guarantee that it will work. However, preliminary evidence suggests that CBD can make a difference.
In a 2013 study, researchers took 24 smokers and split them into two groups. One group used a CBD inhaler, and the other used a placebo. The study found that the CBD group smoked 40% fewer cigarettes than the placebo.
Of course, CBD quality plays a huge role; here are five ways of checking for fake CBD.
Can You Quit With CBD Alone?
While we want to say “yes,” the study above indicates that CBD can reduce smoking but not stop it. CBD can, however, help address some of the withdrawal symptoms. Many users find that CBD helps with insomnia, irritability, anxiety, and other symptoms during nicotine and even opioid withdrawal.
Another thing to keep in mind is that the study was small. Using 24 participants is a tiny pool. We need a much larger study to understand better how effective CBD is and whether some people can quit with CBD cigarettes alone.
Realistically, though, you might need to combine CBD cigarettes with either some form of NRT or plain old willpower. Regardless, they at least make the quitting journey easier.
Advantages and Disadvantages of CBD Cigarettes
An almost universal rule is that all products have advantages and disadvantages. CBD cigarettes are no different. Before trying the product, keep these pros and cons in mind.
There are two significant benefits – one general advantage and one specific to smokers – making CBD cigarettes a worthy investment.
Quick Action
One major bonus to CBD smoking is that it goes instantly into the bloodstream. This means quick relief when you need it most. It’s the same principle behind NRT, like gums, sprays, and inhalers, along with e-cigarettes.
If you speak to a former e-cigarette user, chances are you’ll find that they gave up for a variety of reasons. They weren’t getting enough nicotine, found the devices too complicated or clunky, or didn’t like the feel.
For all their benefits, e-cigs (vapes) aren’t for everyone.
Nicotine replacement therapy feels even less authentic. If you ask any current or former smoker, they’ll mention how nothing replaces the experience of a cigarette – at least until now.
CBD cigarettes look and behave just like their tobacco counterparts. As we mentioned earlier, they have the same appearance and method of use as standard smokes.
With CBD coffee for sale, you can enjoy your morning ritual as usual while quitting tobacco.
This is great for people surrounded by other smokers. With enough willpower, you can enjoy a CBD cigarette during a group smoke break and still feel like it’s the real deal.
There’s only one noteworthy disadvantage to CBD cigarettes. However, it’s a big one. If you’re considering CBD cigarettes as a quit smoking aid, keep in mind that it should be a temporary solution.
You’d better consider hemp dabs, which are a safer way of smoking CBD weed. Anyway, as someone that has never smoked, CBD cigarettes are not my favorite. I’d rather be looking for the best CBD water brands instead or find a place where to buy 1000mg CBD oil.
Safety Concerns
We’ve seen the commercials, read the literature, and heard our teachers hammer the same information into our heads: “smoking is dangerous.” Everyone knows how thousands of chemicals in cigarettes increase in number once you light up.
What advocates often minimize or don’t understand is that while cannabis generally doesn’t contain the many chemical additives like in tobacco, it is still risky.
According to the American Lung Association, there isn’t enough evidence to establish whether cannabis smoke causes lung cancer. However, the smoke released from combustion contains carcinogens.
They know that people who smoke cannabis from a joint, pipe, or bong have a higher respiratory issue rate. These include chronic bronchitis, coughing, and phlegm, and it is much safer to use THC drops vs. smoking.
Additionally, the smoke wears down the lungs’ ability to resist infection, leaving people more vulnerable to being sick. The health hazards of smoking delta 8 THC are roughly the same.
Once you’re successfully done with cigarettes, it might be a good idea to switch to full spectrum CBD vape juice or edibles (if you want to keep taking CBD).